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How to Engage Employees Who Work in a Hybrid Environment

You might think that managing employees who work from home is difficult. But sometimes it can feel even more chaotic when you have employees changing their working environments. When managed correctly, the hybrid work model can be amazing for productivity, and even reduce expenses. However, when managed poorly, a hybrid work environment can make everything feel more difficult. 

Things to consider for a hybrid work environment

  •    Make sure each employee can access everything equally from home and in person.
  •    Try to evaluate which tasks should be completed from home or not—if you have work that would be completed faster in the office, make sure employees know to do it in person.
  •    Use the same productivity apps you would use from home, in the office. 

When managed correctly, the hybrid work model is an invaluable asset. It might take time to evaluate and adjust what works best for you, but you won’t achieve maximum efficiency unless you start!

To develop more strategies our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program focuses on simple but powerful behaviours that will have maximum impact on a leader’s ability to engage his or her employees.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Canada Job Grant program. Employers may be eligible to receive two-thirds of the training cost.