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How to Improve Leadership Clarity and Drive Employee Engagement

When it comes to the longevity of your business, employee engagement is essential for growth. If you want your employees to feel more empowered in their positions, it all starts with laying out clear expectations and goals. 

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program—starting October 12, 2022!

This 25-hour interactive program covers a range of essential employee engagement techniques. You will be able to identify your personal role and leadership approach to employee engagement. Understanding your own impact is an important part of creating the ideal work environment, and this program will help you create your action plan and lay out a clear method of communication (especially during times of transition) between you and your employees. 

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.