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Do you feel like luck played a big part in your success?

If you want to beat impostor syndrome, join us for our ‘Power UP Your Leadership Presence: How to Beat Impostor Syndrome’ program. The program begins October 12. Early bird pricing ends October 6.

For more info and to register:

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Are you afraid that people are calling you a fraud behind your back?

Are you afraid that people are calling you a fraud behind your back? If you answered yes, then you may be experiencing a degree of impostor syndrome.

There are varying degrees of impostor syndrome. It doesn’t affect everybody the same way. Don’t navigate away because you don’t think you fit the profile.

Impostor syndrome can creep into our lives in different ways. And it can gain momentum. Address it early and save yourself the heartache, frustration, and deferred happiness that comes with impostor syndrome.

Impostor syndrome has far-reaching consequences. It can:

– Destroy your confidence

– Prevent you from seeking new opportunities

– Leave you exhausted and frustrated

– Have a devastating effect on business performance

– Stop you from reaching your potential

Let’s explore strategies to break free from the grip of imposter syndrome.

Join us for our introductory IS workshop, September 28.


The early bird price of $99 US ends September 22.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Are you feeling like you’re faking it at work?


As a woman leader, you’ve probably faced slip ups, challenges, or bad decision-making. It’s a normal part of business life. You’re not alone! 

Many women leaders, including us, have experienced the same challenges, felt the strong emotions, and have felt a sense of unworthiness, self-blame, or negativity that you JUST CAN’T BEAT. 

When I started my own business as a coach and trainer, I often compared myself to others feeling I wasn’t ‘as good as them.’ Through my own professional development and growth mindset, I realized that what I offer is unique and effective for the clients I support.

When my colleague, Anita Torres, started her business, her clients branded her Anita, the Passionista. It took her years to have the confidence and courage to go out in public for fear of ridicule or feeling like a fraud. In her head that meant she could only ‘BE’ the Passionista if she was jolly, happy, and free of negativity.

If you think you’re the only person struggling with impostor syndrome – you’re not alone. Research found that 70% of all people have experienced impostor syndrome at some point in their lives.

The good news is there are ways to navigate these feelings and enjoy success.

If you’re tired of ‘feeling like a fake’ at work, join us for our Introductory Power UP Your Leadership Presence: How to Beat Impostor Syndrome program where we explore strategies to break free from the grip of imposter syndrome. 

Register for the September 28 workshop.  

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Learn to Tackle Challenges

If you want to kick your impostor syndrome to the curb, join my colleague, Anita, Passionista, Torres, PCC, CPTD and I September 28th for our Introductory program. Take advantage of the Early Bird rate.
