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Cultivating a Culture of Self-care to Encourage Employee Engagement

For most employees, if you ask them to describe the last time they engaged in self-care, chances are they won’t be talking about a moment at work. Rather, time outside of work is much more likely to be associated with self-care and rejuvenating routines. However, times are changing, and companies are becoming more aware of their employees’ needs. It’s no secret that you work better when you feel more appreciated, so what better way to reach your employees than by helping them feel their best?

As a leader, it’s important to be aware of work culture and where things might need adjustments. At the end of the day, you’re creating an environment in which you expect people to spend the majority of their waking hours. Even if you manage a team remotely, you’re expecting them to pay attention and engage with their work in a meaningful way. The best way to begin is by evaluating your current work culture and figuring out where you can implement self-care practices for your employees.

Keep reading for some quick tips on creating a work culture that places a priority on self-care.

·       Regular breaks: when employees feel tethered to their desks all day, it’s much more likely that they will engage in distracting, non-work-related activities. 

·       Get outside: Whether you are working remotely or in person, make sure everyone has an opportunity in their day to take a reprieve outdoors. This is especially important during the months when you experience better weather! 

·       Offer flexibility: If someone needs to come into work later but they’re willing to stay later, or come in earlier and leave earlier, try to accommodate them when it doesn’t interfere with the company’s needs. It might be a small gesture to you, but it will mean a lot to your employee and translate into their productivity. Similarly, if someone needs to take a longer lunch break to go to an appointment or something else, try to be flexible wherever it won’t affect you.

·       Benefits that focus on self-care: If you can, try to give your employees perks that focus on self-care and mental health. Gym discounts and other perks can even attract candidates with the mindset you’re looking for.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, leaders are responsible for creating a work environment that supports the immediate needs of all staff members. Even if you don’t have any self-care-focused initiatives in place right now, there’s no better time to get started. 

If you’re unsure of where to begin, reach out to your employees for feedback, you’ll be surprised how far your recognition of their needs will go. You might notice improved engagement right after you start to show an interest in their mental health and day-to-day experience. 

Questions for leaders

1.     What are you currently doing to promote self-care in the workplace?

2.     If you had to guess, do you think your employees feel like they have a good work/life balance and enough time for self-care?

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program, starting January 25, 2023.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

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How Aligning Your Employees with Purpose Decreases Barriers to Engagement

In the same way that leaders benefit from becoming more in tune with their goals, employees are much more likely to engage more with their work if they feel a sense of purpose. One of the best ways to format your engagement strategy is by framing it to serve as a roadmap for your employees.

There are a few different ways you can instill a sense of purpose in the workplace, but nothing beats real feedback. Have your employees fill out surveys and invite them for one-on-one sit downs to discuss their goals, questions, and any potential concerns. 

This won’t just help your employees become more focused at work, but they’ll feel more seen and understood. When you make you team feel like they play an important role in your organization, you can expect engagement to increase almost instantly. 

Question for leaders

1.     Do you think your employees feel like they are in alignment with a sense of purpose at work? Why or why not?

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program, starting January 25, 2023.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Show your employees you care about them

“The better connected we are, the healthier our relationships and the higher quality of our working life” – Pamela Hackett, author, Manage to Engage

Every day is a great day to appreciate your employees. Show them you care today.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

FREE 30-60-90 Day Employee Engagement Plan Blueprint

Use your free 30-60-90 Day Employee Engagement Plan Blueprint to design your own Great Engagement for 2022.

The Great Engagement is a call to action to expand your approach to more effectively engage your employees. Employee engagement impacts your bottom line!

How engaged are your employees now?

Research indicates that 60% of employees are not engaged, and 15% are actively disengaged at work.

The costs of this situation are staggering. Disengagement costs the North American business economy over $350 billion per year in lost productivity.

What might employee disengagement be costing your organization?

How do you currently engage your employees?

How will you engage with your employees in 2022?

If you’re not currently focused on engagement then how will you engage your employees in 2022?

If you’re not sure how to start, get your free 30-60-90 Day Blueprint to actively design your own great employee engagement program. We have included a few simple ideas and a planning framework to set you up for success in 2022!

Link to your free 30-60-90 Day Blueprint

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Heard of the undead? How about the unengaged?

Which of these Halloween scenarios describe your engagement experience at your workplace?

– All is calm, then someone yells at you from the bushes

– Pumpkin on deck; no candy; nobody home

– Door opens as you arrive, you are warmly welcomed with lively conversation and “treated” well

– You hear music and laughter from down the street even before you get to the house

Tell us your choice:

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Don’t confuse a quiet employee for a happy employee.

Don’t confuse a quiet employee for a happy employee.

According to research, only 25% of employees are actively engaged.

We invite you to take our free Employee Engagement Self-Assessment for Instant Insights

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A good experience working with Redworks and we recommend

“A good experience working with Redworks and we recommend..” Bob Wyma, Operations and Program Manager, Friendship Inn

+12 leaders

+12 Engagement Action Plans

+ hundreds of ideas generated to grow employee engagement

+12 calendars scheduling employee engagement activities

= Impact: razor-sharp focused people managers

Engage and Mobilize Employees Program:


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I would recommend this course to anyone new to managing employees…

“There was lots of time for discussion and sharing, and I appreciated that this course put some important planning and reflection on the front burner for me. They also made sure to follow up after the course, which provided some accountability for actually putting the ideas into practice. I would recommend this course to anyone new to managing employees, or managers who have never had any formal professional development in this area.” — Sheri Porrelli, Program Manager, Adult and Financial Literacy, READ Saskatoon

Redworks Highlight Reel:

+12 leaders

+12 Engagement Action Plans

+ hundreds of ideas generated to grow employee engagement

+12 calendars scheduling employee engagement activities

= Impact: razor-sharp focused people managers

Engage and Mobilize Employees Program:

Redworks Blog (all posts)

I recently took the Engage and Mobilize Employees course and would highly recommend…

“I recently took the Engage and Mobilize Employees course and would highly recommend. The facilitators were professional, well organized and knowledgeable. The materials were great and I am now incorporating all my learning into our organization. Thank you.” — Rachel Sutherland, Program Manager, Children’s and Family Literacy, READ Saskatoon.

Redworks Highlight Reel:
+12 leaders
+12 Engagement Action Plans
+ hundreds of ideas generated to grow employee engagement
+12 calendars scheduling employee engagement activities
= Impact: razor-sharp focused people managers

Engage and Mobilize Employees Program:

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Three main reasons why employees are leaving the workplace

“By not understanding what their employees are running from, and what they might gravitate to, company leaders are putting their very businesses at risk.” — McKinsey & Company

Do you know what your employees are running from? What might they gravitate towards? Is your business at risk of losing employees?

As a leader you may think you know the answers but, according to McKinsey & Company, managers and employees do not agree on what’s the most important factors for staying at an organization.

McKinsey found in a recent study that top three factors employees cited as reasons for quitting were that they didn’t feel:

– Valued by their organizations (54 percent) or

– Valued by their managers (52 percent) or

– A sense of belonging at work (51 percent).

As an organization, by understanding the reasons why employees are leaving or would even consider leaving, you can take effective actions to not only retain but also attract potential employees.

How do you as a leader show you value your employees? What does the organization do in terms of making people feel they belong and are valued? Is your organization struggling with effectively engaging employees?

While there is no quick fix, the first step is to find out if your organization has challenges with employee engagement.

For instant insights take our free Employee Engagement Self-Assessment for Instant Insights