Redworks Blog (all posts)

How much is employee disengagement costing you and your organization?


Employee engagement has been a major issue for years. Leaders are struggling to keep their employees engaged, and COVID-19 has only magnified the challenge as many employees work remotely or in a hybrid workplace.

Unhappy workers cost the North American business economy over $350 billion per year in lost productivity.

How much is this disengagement costing you and your organization? What is this lack of engagement personally costing you as a leader?

Find out more about our new Engage and Mobilize Training Program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

FREE Employee Engagement Self-Assessment

Get your free Employee Engagement Self-Assessment.

The impact of employee engagement or rather disengagement is hitting businesses’ bottom line hard.

In fact, the lack of employee engagement is a billion dollar problem.

According to Canada Human Resources Centre, unhappy workers cost the North American business economy over $350 billion per year in lost productivity.

Is your organization struggling with effectively engaging employees?

While there is no quick fix, the first step is to find out if your organization has challenges with employee engagement.
For instant insights, we invite you to take our free Employee Engagement Self-Assessment.

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#healthyworkplace #inspiredworkplace