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Impostor Syndrome Revolution

Start today to conquer impostor syndrome and achieve greater success in all areas of your life.

If you’re ready to improve your leadership presence and address impostor syndrome, join us in our live virtual program, Power UP Your Leadership Presence: How to Beat Impostor Syndrome starts February 15th.

Register today

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Harness Self-Doubt to Drive Your Journey Towards Success

Photo credit: Depositphotos/ryanking999

Rather than being a sign of weakness, impostor syndrome can be a sign of strength and ambition.

If you struggle with impostor syndrome and want to work to understand the underlying causes to build resilience and confidence in your abilities, join me and my colleague Anita Torres, PCC, CPTD, in our live virtual program: PowerUP Your Leadership Presence – How to Beat Impostor Syndrome starting February 15.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Impostor Syndrome Can Be a Sign of Strength and Ambition


Impostor syndrome is often a sign of high standards and a desire for excellence. Individuals who experience impostor syndrome may place a great deal of pressure on themselves to perform at a certain level, leading to feelings of inadequacy when they fall short of their own expectations.
Rather than being a sign of weakness, impostor syndrome can be a sign of strength and ambition.

If you struggle with impostor syndrome and want to work to understand the underlying causes to build resilience and confidence in your abilities, join me and my colleague Anita Torres, PCC, CPTD, in our live virtual program: PowerUP Your Leadership Presence – How to Beat Impostor Syndrome starting February 15.

Learn more and register – Early bird rate until January 31.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Leader Foundations Leadership Academy

ATTENTION: Small to Medium-sized Businesses

Do you have emerging or new leaders who would benefit from leadership training?

If yes, your organization may be eligible for funding for our Leader Foundations Leadership Academy program to support new and current leaders build a solid foundation to succeed in their role. For more information about our program:

Take advantage of the Canada Job Grant for up to $100,000/year to help train your employees.

There is a Canada Job Grant Program in every Canadian province. To find out more about the Grant program in your province:

Take action now to provide training opportunities for your staff.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Building Mental Fitness Foundations with the Positive Intelligence Program

Part of being a successful leader involves paying close attention to your mental health and well-being. While it’s completely natural to experience impostor syndrome and feelings of self-doubt, you don’t want to stay in that headspace for too long. That’s why Redwork’s Coaching is partnering with Positive Intelligence to create a six-week, immersive mental fitness program.

Based on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® work—In this program you will:

  • Discover your “Saboteurs” that hinder your performance and contribute to negative and repetitive thought patterns, creating even more stress and anxiety.
  • Learn how to take control of self-sabotage by implementing proven techniques to increase your confidence and remain calm under pressure.
  • Learn the ins and out’s of mental fitness so you can achieve peak performance as well as emotional and mental wellbeing.

If you’re curious, you can even take a FREE Saboteur assessment here, just scroll right to the bottom of the page.

Registration is now open for the next 6-week Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Foundation program starting January 21, 2023. The program is based on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® work.

You will learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm, clarity, objectivity and creativity to handle life’s challenges more effectively.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Discover what’s holding you back: Identifying Imposter Syndrome in Female Leaders

According to a recent study, a whopping 90% of female employees struggle with impostor syndrome. What’s even more shocking? This happens to people regardless of their level of expertise, it’s a psychological pattern that often isn’t noticed until the symptoms start to become overwhelming. In fact, only about 25% of those surveyed are aware of their symptoms.

Females in leadership positions deal with enough pressure, so recognizing impostor syndrome can help you stay on track and focus on business goals. Impostor syndrome presents itself in different ways, some of the symptoms include:

  • Believing your success is based on luck.
  • You might think people will “discover” that you are somehow unqualified for your position, even though you are.
  • Self-doubt and thinking that you don’t deserve the praise you receive.
  • Constant fear that you are going to disappoint people.
  • Setting far-fetched goals and being hard on yourself when you (realistically) fall short.

The only way to grow as a leader is to face your mental challenges head-on, but it isn’t easy to do it alone.

Registration is now open for the next 6-week Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Foundation program starting January 21, 2023. The program is based on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® work.

You will learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm, clarity, objectivity and creativity to handle life’s challenges more effectively.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for funding.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Remove Your Hand From The Hot Stove

As you know, your ability to feel pain is very helpful. If you touch a hot stove it’s good to feel pain so you’re alerted to the danger to your body and quickly remove your hand.

Similarly, negative emotions like stress, fear, anger, disappointment, guilt and shame are extremely helpful to alert you that something needs your attention.  But once you have benefited from the alert, it’s harmful for you to stay in those negative emotions.

Staying stressed, afraid, disappointed, guilty, or ashamed makes it harder for you to think clearly or take the most effective action to deal with the problem.

Your sage (positive) mind is much more capable of being creative and insightful or taking calm, clear-headed, decisive action to deal with the challenge that lead to those negative emotions.

So, if you find yourself staying in the negative emotions for more than a second, your saboteurs are keeping your hand on the hot stove and complaining why life is so hard.   

Registration is now open for the next 6-week Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Foundation program starting January 21, 2023. The program is based on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® work.

You will learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm, clarity, objectivity and creativity to handle life’s challenges more effectively.

For more information and to register:

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Manage Employee Attitudes and Drive Motivation with The Great Engagement Training Program

People do their best work when they have a positive mindset and outlook on their role. One of the best ways to help motivate your employees is by evaluating and improving their day-to-day attitudes. The most important thing is to evaluate what might be contributing to any negative energy in the workplace.

It isn’t always easy to uncover what leads to poor employee attitudes and engagement, so that’s why it helps to participate in leadership programs. This way, you and your team can be equipped with the necessary tools to maintain a positive atmosphere, and keep employees engaged and happy.  

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program—starting October 12, 2022!

Participating in this program will help you and your team:

–       Pinpoint barriers to employee engagement in your organization

–       Identify what personal motivators engage your employees

–       Develop an action plan

–       Learn effective strategies to address unproductive conflicts

–       Learn the key leader attitudes of engaging leaders

 For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Shut Down Your Inner Critic

Attention: Leaders

If you’re tired of hearing your inner critic – the voice that says “you’re not good enough”, “you don’t know enough”, “you will never amount to much”, “you’re not doing enough” and whatever else your inner judge is telling you, know that you can SHUT IT DOWN or at least lessen the noise.

Boost your mental fitness level to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (negative mindset) to your inner Sage (positive mindset).

Registration is now open for the next Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness program starting September 17. Program is based on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® work.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Stop Sabotaging Yourself

When we stop sabotaging ourselves, research has shown that:

– we use mental and emotional energy more effectively – 90%

– we’re better at teamwork and collaboration – 92%

– we have increased happiness – 85%

– we manage stress better – 91%

– we have improved self-confidence – 83%

– we’re better at conflict management – 85%

Learn how to increase your mental fitness and reap tremendous personal and professional benefits.

Registration is now open for the next Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness program starting September 17. Program is based on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® work.

For more information and to register: