You might be aware that positive thinking leads to a more efficient workplace but putting it into practice is easier said than done.
Here are some ideas for activities to keep in mind if you want to encourage your employees to adopt a more positive mindset.
– Gratitude exercises: this could be part of your morning meetings or just something that gets sent out in an email. Give employees the chance to be present for a moment and reflect on things they might forget they are grateful for.
– Anonymous tip jar: let employees vent about ways to improve upon current workplace culture.
– Special events: Team-building events are great for enforcing a positive dynamic.
At the end of the day, mindset is everything and it affects our daily life and work. As a leader, it’s crucial that you take these ideas into consideration for your own workplace.
Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.
For more information and to register:
Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.