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New Program: PowerUP Your Leadership Presence – How to Beat Impostor Syndrome

As a leader in your home, at work, in your business, and in life, you’ve probably faced slipups, challenges, or bad decision-making. It’s a normal part of life.

These missteps can leave you feeling a sense of unworthiness, self-blame, or negativity that you JUST CAN’T SHAKE. You may be dealing with impostor syndrome and routine setbacks rattle your confidence and create self-doubt.

· Do you feel like you’re ‘faking it’?

· Are you afraid that people are calling you a fraud behind your back?

· Do you feel like you haven’t earned your success and that it’s all down to luck?

If you answered, ‘Hell Yeah’, then my colleague, Anita Torres, and I invite you to join us on September 28th for a powerful hour program called: PowerUp Your Leadership Presence – How to Beat Impostor Syndrome. You don’t need to have a formal leadership title to beat impostor syndrome.

To register and for more information.

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