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Handle your retirement like a boss

You’ve handled your career like a boss….so why not handle retirement like one too?!

You’re a powerful professional woman, and the end of your 9 to 5 days are finally in sight or just a few short years away.

Bring on more time with friends, more time with grandkids and finally writing that novel you’ve had in your head since you were 35.

Retirement, even if it’s still a few short years away for you, is the next step on your journey.

It can instill positive thoughts of relaxation AND some serious feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.

That’s why I’m here. To give you the retirement reality check you need to help you conquer the emotional side of this incredible life transition.

My transformational program, Power UP Your Retirement, will:

  • Generate a deeper understanding of what’s important to you
  • Help you gain clarity on what you really want out of retirement
  • Allow you to schedule time to focus on you and your desires
  • Empower you to develop a ready-to-implement action plan and so much more.

It all comes in an amazing package that includes a high-quality video training series, group coaching, online community and other educational resources focused on helping professional women like you transition into a successful retirement.

Your plan will help you smoothly transition from working full-time to leading a fulfilling and purposeful life on your own terms.

Register today and and get full access to our private group mastermind experience for one year and get access to 12 online retirement planning modules, expert videos, private online community, and a life-changing monthly live group coaching session.

Sign up now!