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Resolution to Reality: Your How-To Guide

Resolution to Reality: Your How-To Guide! 

If New Year’s resolutions failed you in the past, it’s because goal setting is the key to success.

Are you motivated to see results blossom in your life? Be guided with failure-proof steps to achieving your goals with the attainable support offered right here, right now!

First, think about the goal you’ve chosen by asking yourself these questions:

  • Am I excited/passionate about it?
  • Does it motivate me to take action?
  • Is my goal achievable in the time-frame I have set?

Setting goals around what is most important to YOU (rather than what you think the world wants of you) will make all the difference in the attention and energy you are motivated to give to this goal.

Develop a truly inspiring goal by honing in on the area of your life in which you most want to see your best-self brought forth, and try answering the following questions about that area you’ve pinpointed:

  • What is your vision in this area of your life?
  •  What would you like to be different in this area?
  • If you could have anything in this area, what would it be?

Three Hot Tips for Success!

1. The goal you set must be achievable within a 90-day period.

This time-frame is long enough to create new habits but short enough to continue to be motivated and excited about the goal and committed to doing the work to get there.

If the goal feels too big – break it down into smaller pieces (mini goals) that can realistically be achieved in 90 days.

2. The goal must be measurable

It is difficult to know when you have achieved the goal if you have not set a measurable way to complete your goal. 

Avoid arbitrary goals like ‘financial security’ by fleshing out numbers and specifics like dollars and time.

3. Create a strategy and plan of action

Without a plan a goal is just a wish. Your action-plan should include regular check-ins, mid-course corrections, rewards and celebrations along the way.

It’s great to have an idea of how you want to improve or change, but putting that into action with an achievable plan is the way to convert that idea to reality.

Setting the right goal for yourself and putting the power of strategy behind it will change how you think, feel and act on a daily basis. Dream big and stretch yourself into a new life!

Setting goals around what is most important to YOU (rather than what you think the world wants of you) will make all the difference in the attention and energy you are motivated to give to this goal.

Feeling inspired? Send me a message with the ideas that this sparked for you!

If creating goals and strategizing about your future is something you could benefit from, then check out my program This is a high-value course that supports you in preparing to discover the retirement of your dreams.

Happy New Year to you and yours!