Redworks Blog (all posts)

Impact of COVID-19 On Your Retirement

Are you a year or two away from retirement and worried about the impact the current pandemic may have on your plans?

Financial stress is real for a lot of people right now, in a lot of different ways. If you are facing the necessity of revising your timeline on retirement plans, how are you coping with this emotionally?

As a Results Certified Coach who specializes in the transition to retirement, I have the tools to support you as you navigate the emotional impact of these changes to your plans. Please reach out by sending me an email at


Redworks Blog (all posts)

Succession Planning For Your Business

The COVID-19 outbreak has shown the importance of having a succession plan in place that accounts for unforeseen events. If your business does not already have one in place, there is no better time to do so than now!

Many small businesses are dependent on the owner, which means being capable of retirement or a career transition requires strategic forethought and action built into the structure of an organization. Having a strategy for developing people who can move up when key employees leave is critical to the long term success of a business.

The trouble is many businesses owners only start thinking about this when they are nearing the transition. Building on-going succession planning into the structure of a business will not only position the business for success when transition approaches, but it will allow the business to grow and attract top talent in the meantime.

When a business has leaders-in-training, the dependence on the owner is minimized so that in the case of leadership transition or unforeseen events, less of the stress rests on a solo individual.

To learn more about the support I offer for building succession planning into your business, visit or send me an email at