This past week, I hit a wall. Some may call it “brain freeze”. Others may call it “overwhelm”. All I know is that I felt lost, confused and frustrated. My schedule was overloaded, and I wanted so much to make giant strides towards the changes that I have been working on with Marielle that I simply hit a wall.
When I discussed the issue with my physical trainer, Matt Jodouin, from Fortitude Fitness (see Blog #1), and with my life coach, Marielle Gauthier, from Redworks, both helped me step back and take a look at what I was doing and how I might get back on track. Earlier bedtimes will lead to better sleep patterns and strengthen my ability to handle obstacles (I’m traditionally a night owl). Continuing my scheduling (one of the “almost there” habits that saved me during this time), and becoming even more specific in what I plan to do during those blocks of time, might help me handle the overwhelm that I was feeling. And recognizing that there will be times that my progress will slow or even reverse. After all, I am changing, in some cases, habits that I have hung onto for decades. I need to just remain committed and that wall will crumble. Eventually, the new habits will become second nature, and the changes will be there.
In fact, both Matt and Marielle helped me step back and observe myself in light of the work that I have been doing. They helped me ask myself if things had indeed changed since I began this “self-work”. The answer is a resounding, “YES!”. Has it been worth it? Again, a resounding, “Yes!”.
Ultimately, after having processed my last session with Marielle, and having given myself a shake, I realized that my biggest insight is that, it may take some time, but I CAN do this…and I will.
About the Author:
The above entry is part of a guest blog series titled “A Coaching Journey” written by my friend, client, and talented writer, Linda Epstein. She has graciously agreed to write on her experience with the coaching process as she navigates it, to give a first-hand view of what the journey is like. Visit weekly to find out more!
Read the rest of “A Coaching Journey” by clicking below:
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7 – Part 8 – Part 9