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Praise More Often to Increase Employee Engagement


“Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.” – Sam Walton

The Great Engagement is a call to action to praise more often.

Do you praise your employees easily, sincerely and often?

If not, you may be losing out on an opportunity to trigger a dopamine release which can then boost innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.

Tips to Take Action

  • Catch someone doing something well and praise them promptly.
  • Consider how each employee would like to be praised – publicly, privately, in person, by email, on social media, etc.

The Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program

While there is no quick fix, there are simple leadership practices that can produce immediate improvements in engagement.

To develop more strategies our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program focuses on simple but powerful behaviours that will have maximum impact on a leader’s ability to engage his or her employees.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Canada Job Grant program. Employers may be eligible to receive two-thirds of the training cost.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to increase productivity by increasing employee engagement

A recent report by Gallup shows that global employee engagement has seen an impressive rise in the past decade. The companies that fell into this category report higher earnings-per-share, up to quadruple that of their competitors who have less engaged personnel. However, the same report notes the effects of the pandemic on employee engagement and the risk of employees becoming disengaged. Now more than ever, company leaders are considering employee wellness and job satisfaction as a top priority. Creating the right working environment could be the thing that takes your business to the next level, it’s essential to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.

There are various implementations you might consider for increasing employee engagement. Depending on your industry, you can get more specific, but at the very core you’ll want to consider these three concepts:

  • Recognition
  • Work-life balance
  • Employee Wellness

It’s important to consider more than one channel for engagement because your employees are all unique individuals. Part of engagement is acknowledging the skills and characteristics each employee brings to the table. The more you understand someone, the better chance you have at connecting with them. Now you can consider these concepts in a little more detail and think about how you might apply them to your own business Each one contributes to overall productivity in its own way.


When a person feels valued, they generally want to keep creating that feeling. Even a few simple words of appreciation can go a long way and help someone power through the rest of their day. Not only does recognition have a positive effect on the employee, but it reflects well on the manager or owner.  One of the simplest ways to implement a system for recognition is with some form of reward. Of course, the reward itself might change depending on the nature of your business.

Work-life balance

Even though your business might mean everything to you, your employees still have a whole host of responsibilities outside of work. If you try to maintain a professional yet flexible workplace, your employees will generally be much happier coming into work. Try to be understanding that everyone deals with daily stress, and it benefits you most when your employees can focus solely on their work. If they can worry a little bit less about scheduling conflicts, they’ll have more energy to complete work tasks.

Employee wellness

Productivity is all about maximizing time and efficiency. When you’re focused on your wellness, you can carry that positive experience into other areas of your life. Companies with wellness programs report high levels of employee satisfaction. It might be a small investment but it shows good faith in your employee and contributes to their ability to perform well in their work. Wellness programs also attract qualified candidates that prioritize their health, which generally indicates a higher ability to perform and potentially an even greater work ethic.  

The bottom line

Employee engagement is directly related to the success (or failure) of your business. When it comes to creating an engaging work environment that fosters productivity, you need to focus on bringing value to your employee, as well as making them feel valued.

The Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Program

To develop more strategies our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program focuses on simple but powerful behaviours that will have maximum impact on a leader’s ability to engage his or her employees.

Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant program or the Re-Skill Saskatchewan Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Ideas to Show Appreciation

“You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life.” – Zig Ziglar

The Great Engagement is a call to action to expand your approach to more effectively engage your employees.

Research from Gallup suggests that rewards and recognition, with its low cost and high impact, might be one of the most underutilized tools that managers have for boosting engagement.

Do you regularly show appreciation to your staff members?

If not, you could be losing an opportunity to provide encouragement and bolster engagement.

Take Action

A simple thank you can make them feel more valued in the workplace and also brighten up their day!

Other simple ideas:

  • Fancy teas or coffee in the coffee room
  • Team lunch
  • Bring in snacks to a meeting
  • Acknowledge people during staff meeting
  • Ask people for a personal or professional highlight
  • Give a  hand-written thank you note;
  • Acknowledge their specific contribution to a  business success;
  • Time off to volunteer

The Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program

While there is no quick fix, there are simple leadership practices that can produce immediate improvements in engagement.

Our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program focuses on simple but powerful behaviours that will have maximum impact on a leader’s ability to engage his or her employees.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Canada Job Grant program. Employers may be eligible to receive two-thirds of the training cost.



Redworks Blog (all posts)

Catch someone doing something well and praise them

“Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.” – Sam Walton

Do you praise your employees easily, sincerely and often?

If not, you may be losing out on an opportunity to trigger a dopamine release which can then boost innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.

Take Action – Catch someone doing something well and praise them promptly.

Increase your skills to more effectively engage your employees. For more information on our new Employee and Mobilize Engagement Program:

Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant. Employers may be eligible to receive two-thirds of the training cost.

Please note: Due to high program demand, Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant applications are being prioritized and processed approximately two weeks prior to the start date of training. Applications submitted less than 10 business days prior to the start date of training may not be approved.


Redworks Blog (all posts)

According to the Cicero Group, research shows that employees receiving strong performance recognition are much more likely to be highly engaged at their job. They are also more likely to perform at their maximum output and develop innovative ways to improve their company.

Do you make it a practice to regularly recognize your employees’ performance?

If not, you may be missing out on supporting your employees to use their strengths towards their best performance.

Take Action – Take the time to personally get to know your employees and find out how they prefer to be acknowledged. Then acknowledge your employees often!

If you want to increase your skills to more effectively engage your employees, enroll in our new Employee and Mobilize Engagement Program:

Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant. Employers may be eligible to receive two-thirds of the training cost.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

The lack of employee engagement is a billion dollar problem

We are happy to recognize that today, March 5, is National Employee Appreciation Day.

We hope that you have been able to take action on some of the employee engagement ideas we have offered this past week.

Employee engagement impacts employee morale, productivity, innovation and problem solving and customer service. Any one of these can impact the business bottom line.

In fact, the lack of employee engagement is a billion dollar problem.

The Management Journal’s semi-annual Employee Engagement Index reports that 60% of employees are not engaged, and 15% are actively disengaged at work and only 25% are actively engaged.

The impact of employee engagement or rather disengagement is hitting businesses’ bottom line hard.

According to Canada Human Resources Centre, unhappy workers cost the North American business economy over $350 billion per year in lost productivity.

A study conducted by  Queen’s School of Business and Gallup, found that disengaged workers logged 37% higher absenteeism, 18% lower productivity, 5% lower profitability, 49% more accidents and 60% more errors and defects than engaged employees.

So how much is this disengagement costing you and your organization? According to Forbes, the costs of a disengaged employee is equivalent to 34% of their annual salary, or $3,400 for every $10,000 of income.

If we applied this to the average Canadian salary of $55,800 a year, the costs of a single disengaged employee to the business is going to be $18,972 annually.

While there is no quick fix, there are simple leadership practices that can produce immediate improvements in engagement.

We are offering a program that focuses on simple but powerful behaviours that will have maximum impact on your leaders’ ability to engage. For more information on our new Employee and Mobilize Engagement Program

In the meantime, take this free Employee Engagement Self-Assessment for Instant Insights:

Employee Engagement Self-Assessment
for Instant Insights

    Redworks Blog (all posts)

    Do you praise your employees often?

    “Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.” – Sam Walton

    Do you praise your employees easily, sincerely and often?

    If not, you may be losing out on an opportunity to trigger a dopamine release which can then boost innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.

    Take Action – Catch someone doing something well and praise them promptly.

    Tomorrow, Friday March 5th, is National Employee Appreciation Day. How will you appreciate your employees?

    Increase your skills to more effectively engage your employees. For more information on our new Employee and Mobilize Engagement Program

    Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Re-Open Saskatchewan Training Subsidy. Employers receive 100% reimbursement for approved training up to $10,000. The deadline to apply for the Training Subsidy is March 31, 2021.

    Redworks Blog (all posts)

    Support staff to thrive in their zone of genius

    “It goes without saying that no company, small or large, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it.” – Jack Welch, former CEO of GE

    Do you help your employees understand how important their work is to the business success?

    If not, you may be missing out on your employees’ best efforts. It is energizing to know when your natural abilities contribute to achieving a mission. This brings purpose to the work. Using natural abilities is the ‘zone of genius’ where employees excel!

    Take Action – To help your employees thrive in their zone of genius, share how their talents and work contribute to the organization’s purpose and mission.

    Check back for more tips to take action as we build towards National Employee Appreciation Day, Friday, March 5th

    Increase your skills to more effectively engage your employees. For more information on our new Employee and Mobilize Engagement Program

    Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Re-Open Saskatchewan Training Subsidy. Employers receive 100% reimbursement for approved training up to $10,000. The deadline to apply for the Training Subsidy is March 31, 2021.



    Redworks Blog (all posts)

    Regularly recognize your employees’ performance

    According to the Cicero Group, research shows that employees receiving strong performance recognition are much more likely to be highly engaged at their job. They are also more likely to perform at their maximum output and develop innovative ways to improve their company.

    Do you make it a practice to regularly recognize your employees’ performance?

    If not, you may be missing out on supporting your employees to use their strengths towards their best performance.

    Take Action – Take the time to personally get to know your employees so you know how they prefer to be acknowledged. Then acknowledge your employees often!

    Check back here for another employee engagement tip to take action as we build towards the big day: National Employee Appreciation Day on Friday, March 5th.

    Increase your skills to more effectively engage your employees.
    For more information on our new Employee and Mobilize Engagement Program

    Your organization may be eligible for funding through the Re-Open Saskatchewan Training Subsidy. Employers receive 100% reimbursement for approved training up to $10,000. The deadline to apply for the Training Subsidy is March 31, 2021.