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How to Give Proper Feedback to Your Employees

With feedback having such a strong influence on employee attitudes and engagement managers have an opportunity to shift the tone of the workplace environment.

It can be extremely rewarding to work in a supervisor-level role, but it comes with a whole host of responsibilities. Not only do you need to make sure day-to-day tasks are getting done, but you might find yourself managing the dynamics and emotions of your team too. When it comes to giving feedback to your employees, you can wind up being a source of inspiration, or the reason behind a discouraged workforce. Not to worry though! There are a few things you can keep in mind to set yourself and your team up for success.

Self-awareness is Key

It comes as no surprise that self-awareness is a huge component of the feedback cycle. Self-improvement doesn’t exist without someone being aware of their behaviors and the effect they have on others and their work. The Predictive Index conducted a study with over 600 CEOs to gain valuable data and insights into employee engagement. The findings suggest that 76% of companies have tools in place that help employees stay accountable and gain self-awareness. 

What is constructive vs non-constructive feedback?

Sometimes it’s difficult to discern the difference between constructive criticism and just plain criticism. If an employee feels like they’re being attacked for actions related to them trying to do their job, it’s only a matter of time until that resentment starts to build. 

When you give employees feedback, make sure you first acknowledge the importance of their job and how you want them to succeed. When someone feels like you’re only there to help, they are much more likely to be receptive to whatever you’re going to say next. 

If you need to give someone constructive feedback and you’re not sure how to begin, use the following examples to get started:

–        “I really appreciate everything you’ve been doing lately. Can we just make sure we’re on the same page about…”

–        “I know it can get crazy around here sometimes so can we go over everything one more time?”

Examples of things you SHOULDN’T say include things like:

–        “You rushed this and that’s why it’s wrong.”

–        “Why can’t you just follow instructions?”

–        “Now I have to fix this.”

Try to imagine how you’d give feedback to a close friend or loved one. You never know what people might be going through, and leading with compassion and understanding never hurts. 

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, employees are the backbone of any company. You need to have a strong foundation with your employees in order to build rapport and trust. When you take the time to consider how you deliver feedback to your employees, you should see a transition in their attitudes over time. People want to do well for the people who care about them and support them, so become the support system your employees deserve and expect your feedback to really stick.  

Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to Create a Culture of Engagement

If you want your employees to adopt any pattern of behavior, you must be their support system. Not only that, but you also need to set an example.

To create a healthy workplace culture that promotes engagement, consider the following steps.

–        Before asking employees to take on any new routine, start doing the routine yourself and let them notice.

–        Always be willing to do the work you ask someone else to do.

–        If you see someone struggling and you have time to help, do it–being a manager doesn’t mean you’re above low-level work.

–        Always reinforce good behavior and show appreciation.

With these helpful tips in mind, managers have the power to cultivate a positive pattern of workplace behavior.   

Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program. 

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Engagement is easy, committing to engagement is hard

Doing something once isn’t such a big deal. Committing to something and showing up, again and again, is when you really start to make something happen.

There are a few ways to really commit to employee engagement.

–        Routine check-ins with employees

–        Anonymous workplace happiness surveys

–        Fun rewards for employees that share helpful feedback with management

–        Ongoing games that encourage employees to prove their engagement (try not to call it a competition as this can create a negative connotation) 

When it comes to improving employee engagement, managers must create an environment that encourages employees to continue showing up for themselves. Once there’s a sense of momentum, you’ll see performance and productivity begin to soar.

Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

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How Employee Engagement Impacts Mental Health

It’s hard to get out of a rut, but once you’re out it feels amazing. This doesn’t just apply to daily life, but in your work too. When employees are more engaged at work, they usually feel more confident in what they’re doing and end up doing a better job. 

When employees are more engaged, you can expect:

–        Higher levels of confidence

–        Reduced stress and anxiety

–        Less indecisive 

Employees aren’t the only ones who benefit—if managers don’t have to spend as much time micromanaging the workplace, they form a better sense of confidence and trust with their team.

Not only that, but managers have more time to focus on their own responsibilities, leading to an overall improvement in productivity.

Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to set clear expectations and give helpful feedback to your employees

Sometimes giving feedback to your employees can feel like a daunting task. If you think someone misunderstood your directives, this can cause frustration and distract you from being constructive. 

There are a few ways you can avoid this:

  •     Give an overview of expectations with your tasks until you feel the employee doesn’t need the reminder.
  •     If you give clear instructions and feel that your expectations aren’t met, have a follow up meeting with your employee to find out where the miscommunication happened.
  •     Try not to place blame, instead just explain that there must have been a miscommunication and explain what you need fixed.
  •     Always come from a place of trying to help your employees learn and become their best selves. Attacking people for their mistakes never helps anyone, it just leads to resentment and disengagement.

The main thing you need to do is stay consistent. Set an example and be a leader that employees can look to for guidance and follow as a mentor.

Develop more strategies our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Activities to Increase Positive Thinking in the Workplace

You might be aware that positive thinking leads to a more efficient workplace but putting it into practice is easier said than done.

Here are some ideas for activities to keep in mind if you want to encourage your employees to adopt a more positive mindset.

–        Gratitude exercises: this could be part of your morning meetings or just something that gets sent out in an email. Give employees the chance to be present for a moment and reflect on things they might forget they are grateful for.

–        Anonymous tip jar: let employees vent about ways to improve upon current workplace culture.

–        Special events: Team-building events are great for enforcing a positive dynamic. 

At the end of the day, mindset is everything and it affects our daily life and work. As a leader, it’s crucial that you take these ideas into consideration for your own workplace.   

Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How Positivity Increases Engagement and Productivity

You’ll have a better chance of increasing engagement among your employees when there is a sense of positivity at work. 

What to expect from a positive working environment:

      – Punctuality: When you create a dynamic that people want to be a part of, you can expect more employees to show up on time.

      – Productivity: Positive feelings make it feel exciting to move forward, whereas stress can sometimes cause people to freeze and procrastinate. 

      – Confident employees: A positive environment encourages better communication, which leads to better informed and more confident employees. 

Instead of focusing on negative workplace feelings like stress and overwhelm, positivity helps people focus on the task at hand.

Instead of getting distracted by the negative, they remain engaged in their work and contribute to the overall efficiency of your workplace. 

Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to Create a Positive Work Culture to Encourage Engagement

As a leader, it’s your responsibility to create a dynamic that benefits the workplace. 

Here are a few ways to create a positive work culture:

–        Daily check-ins: In the mornings, make sure everyone feels confident going into their work day and any snags are taken care of. At the end of the workday, follow up with anyone who didn’t seem engaged to find out how you can help them prepare for the next day.

–        Reward systems: Show employees that positive attitudes are rewarded—this can be in the form of time off, free lunch, or whatever suits your organization best.   

–        Space to recharge: Make it clear to your employees that you care about them getting enough time to recharge between tasks.

When you foster a positive work environment, your employees will carry that energy into their workday, which can lead to improved productivity and an overall improved workplace dynamic.

Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to Set Your Employee Up for Success

To put it simply, if your business is successful, you owe some of that to your employees! Investing in your employees is something that should always be a priority. As the backbone of your organization, your employees do better when they are: 

  •     Trained thoroughly for their position
  •     Given a direct report or supervisor 
  •     Given regular goals to meet
  •     Fully informed for the tasks given to them
  •     Recognized for their talents
  •     Celebrated for their achievements 

At the end of the day, managing your employees is all about making them feel seen. You want to be sure they know they are appreciated and that their effort each day makes a difference for the organization. The more you use do this, the more positive energy will flow. 

Develop more strategies with our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to make employee engagement contagious

People tend to respond to others based on exchanged energy and the surrounding environment. If you want to create a workplace that fosters an engaging environment, you just need to keep a few things in mind. 

  •     Create teams made up of engaged and less engaged employees.
  •     Encourage engaged employees to address concerns with less engaged employees.
  •     Offer rewards for team members that show any form of improvement—the greater the improvement, the higher the reward.  

At the end of the day, you want to empower your engaged employees so their energy can be adopted by those who are less motivated and engaged. As long as you stay consistent with your efforts, you’re sure to see some improvement.

Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program

To develop more strategies our Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program focuses on simple but powerful behaviours that will have maximum impact on a leader’s ability to engage his or her employees.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.