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Cultivating a Culture of Self-care to Encourage Employee Engagement

For most employees, if you ask them to describe the last time they engaged in self-care, chances are they won’t be talking about a moment at work. Rather, time outside of work is much more likely to be associated with self-care and rejuvenating routines. However, times are changing, and companies are becoming more aware of their employees’ needs. It’s no secret that you work better when you feel more appreciated, so what better way to reach your employees than by helping them feel their best?

As a leader, it’s important to be aware of work culture and where things might need adjustments. At the end of the day, you’re creating an environment in which you expect people to spend the majority of their waking hours. Even if you manage a team remotely, you’re expecting them to pay attention and engage with their work in a meaningful way. The best way to begin is by evaluating your current work culture and figuring out where you can implement self-care practices for your employees.

Keep reading for some quick tips on creating a work culture that places a priority on self-care.

·       Regular breaks: when employees feel tethered to their desks all day, it’s much more likely that they will engage in distracting, non-work-related activities. 

·       Get outside: Whether you are working remotely or in person, make sure everyone has an opportunity in their day to take a reprieve outdoors. This is especially important during the months when you experience better weather! 

·       Offer flexibility: If someone needs to come into work later but they’re willing to stay later, or come in earlier and leave earlier, try to accommodate them when it doesn’t interfere with the company’s needs. It might be a small gesture to you, but it will mean a lot to your employee and translate into their productivity. Similarly, if someone needs to take a longer lunch break to go to an appointment or something else, try to be flexible wherever it won’t affect you.

·       Benefits that focus on self-care: If you can, try to give your employees perks that focus on self-care and mental health. Gym discounts and other perks can even attract candidates with the mindset you’re looking for.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, leaders are responsible for creating a work environment that supports the immediate needs of all staff members. Even if you don’t have any self-care-focused initiatives in place right now, there’s no better time to get started. 

If you’re unsure of where to begin, reach out to your employees for feedback, you’ll be surprised how far your recognition of their needs will go. You might notice improved engagement right after you start to show an interest in their mental health and day-to-day experience. 

Questions for leaders

1.     What are you currently doing to promote self-care in the workplace?

2.     If you had to guess, do you think your employees feel like they have a good work/life balance and enough time for self-care?

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program, starting January 25, 2023.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Moving Your Body to Fuel Your Mind

Sometimes, you just have to keep it moving, and that couldn’t be truer when it comes to your mind and body connection. 

Did you know that you can fuel your creative juices by moving around? Sometimes if you’re feeling stuck in a creative slump, or just in a typical old rut, all it takes is moving your body to get back to feeling engaged.

Whether you’re managing a team, working solo, or are part of a larger group, it’s important that everyone gets an opportunity to move throughout the day. 

Questions for leaders

1.     Do your employees have the opportunity to take short breaks and move around throughout their day?

2.     Do you currently take time throughout your workday to decompress and regroup?

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program, starting January 25, 2023.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to Increase Employee Engagement with Team-Building Activities

Humans are social creatures by nature, and it’s much easier to feel motivated when there is a shared sense of productive energy. If you’re thinking about ways to boost company morale and improve employee engagement, you might benefit from implementing team-building activities. 

·       Team-building activities you can start with your employees as soon as today:

·       Host a meeting outside with your employees to go over team goals. 

·       Create focus groups for specific projects to foster collaboration .

·       Take a day off from work and get active with your staff—many employees report company outings for yoga, axe-throwing, charity runs, and other physical activities.

Question for leaders

1.     Does your company offer any kind of events or activities that employees can engage in together?

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program, starting January 25, 2023.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to Achieve Business Success by Harnessing Your Team’s Potential

You’ve probably heard of “self-sabotage” before, but have you ever thought about it in the context of a team or entire organization? If you want your business to succeed, you need to make sure your employees have the necessary tools to mitigate conflict, balance work responsibilities, and manage stress in a healthy way.

The more equipped your team is, the more space you give them to reach their potential. Instead of allowing friction in the workplace, it’s important that you foster a work environment that emphasizes communication, understanding, and teamwork. When everyone’s on the same page and working towards the same goal, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

To get your team on the right track for 2023, registration is now open for the foundational 6-week Positive Intelligence® Business Training Program, where they will learn how to maximize both performance and well-being simultaneously by focusing on the root-level muscles that impact both.

For more information:

To register please contact us.

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Your Path to Excellent Employee Engagement Starts with Mental Health

If you’re having trouble with keeping employees engaged in the workplace, you’re actually in the majority—marketing research firm Gallup reports that only 20 percent of global employees are engaged at work. This isn’t specific to any particular industry either, but the one common thread seems to come down to mental health.  

From a numbers standpoint, the impact of mental illness is impossible to ignore—costing the global economy upwards of $2.5 trillion annually. Before you can start making any changes, it’s important to understand the current state of your workforce and take note of any existing signs of disengagement. 

Once you have a better idea of what you’re working with, you can start to take action and implement changes that will create long-lasting positive results.   

What is employee engagement?

Employee engagement might look different based on your organization. In general terms, Quantum Workplace defines it as: “the strength of the mental and emotional connection employees feel toward the work they do, their teams, and their organization.” You need to look at your workplace as more than just a place for people to do their jobs. If you want to create an environment that fosters growth and creative business strides, you need to pay more attention to engagement.

When your employees are engaged, you can expect them to be:

–       Team-oriented and purpose-driven.

–       Driven to meet goals and come up with solutions.

–       Adaptable to changing business environment.

–       Focused on learning, growth, and improvement.

Disengaged behaviors can look more like: 

–       Negative outlook and overall pessimistic attitude.

–       Happy to take credit when something goes right but quick to shift blame if something goes wrong. 

–       Increased absenteeism or tardiness.

–       Focused on monetary value rather than reaching business goals.

Why is employee engagement important?

The more disengaged your employees are, the more it’ll cost you down the road. According to data collected by McLean & Co., for every $10,000 in annual salary an organization loses about $3,400. Multiply this by the actual salary and number of employees and you’ll get an idea of how much you’re losing by not taking action to improve engagement. 

How you can start to improve your employee engagement

Acknowledge the importance of mental health

The sooner you make it clear to your employees that you value their mental health, the faster you’ll see results. Even with the growing demand for mental health services, it’s often very difficult for people to get the help they need. Try to ease this dilemma as much as you can. 

Conduct an honest assessment

You need to know where your employees stand—engagement surveys are a great way to start out, asking for direct feedback and honest opinions. Don’t hesitate to conduct one-on-one meetings either, and make sure to make it clear that you value any feedback you can get, even if it’s negative. Frame the discussion in a way that the employee feels compelled to help you make viable changes.

You might also want to task someone with monitoring performance over time to gain a better understanding of areas that need work. 

Create lasting changes

You might think the cost of mental health benefits is too high for your organization to offer but think about all the money you’ll save if you aren’t losing hours of productivity each week. Aside from formal benefits, you can also focus on:

–        Recognition: make sure to give positive reinforcement when possible and show your appreciation.

–        Resources: employees are more engaged when they feel they have everything they need to do their job.

–        Connection: practice inclusivity and build strong relationships through collaboration.

Question for leaders

1.     What are you doing to support the mental health of your employees? 

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program, starting January 25, 2023.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Improved Conflict Management Leads to Better Relationships

No workplace is free of conflict, but it’s how you and your team manage it that matters. Poor conflict management can lead to:

  • Decrease in productivity
  • Low company morale
  • Increase in employee turnover (decrease in employee retention)

On the other hand, when you invest in conflict management education and give your team the right tools, you remove several barriers to productivity. With a well-rounded approach to conflict management, you can expect:

  • Improved team productivity
  • Positive work environment
  • Open communication

To get your team on the right track for 2023, registration is now open for the foundational 6-week Positive Intelligence® Business Training Program. In fact, 84% of participants reported that they felt significantly better at conflict management after starting the program, and 92% feel that they’re much better at teamwork and collaboration.

For more information:

To register please contact Marielle.

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

A Training Program to Completely Revamp Your Leadership Strategy

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program—starting January 25, 2023!

With January already well underway, we couldn’t be more excited to get new candidates on board for our Great Engagement Training Program.

Whether you’re a leader or employee you are welcome to register and get a head start on re-engaging with your team!

Starting January 25th, 2023, here are some of the things you can expect from the immersive experience:

·      Welcome orientation and kickoff group webinar

·      (5) virtual group training modules (3 hours each)

·      One two-hour implementation session

·      Two skill building and learning sessions with a facilitator

·      Help with developing a 90-day action plan/strategy

·      One 1.5-hour problem-solving group session

·      One 1.5-hour building success strategy session

·      Assignments and assessments after each module

·      Participant manual with assessments, worksheets, tools, and tips, all in easy-to-access PDF format.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How to improve your well-being by focusing on work-life balance

Even if you consider yourself a career-oriented person, it’s important to find a balance that allows you to participate in family and other social commitments.

According to a recent study, 32% of Canadians surveyed said they missed a lifestyle engagement because of work. The numbers are even higher for those in the hospitality industry when you consider the extensive weekend and holiday hour requirements.

While it’s true that having a strong work ethic can be healthy and admirable, it’s important to know when it’s time to take a break. You’re no good to your team and organization if you’re exhausted with burnout.

When you focus on balance, you’re much less likely to fall into cycles of burnout, meaning you’ll be able to show up as your best self in the workplace and anywhere else you want to be.

Registration is now open for the PowerLEAD Development Training Program. This program supports leaders to increase leadership effectiveness and success in their role.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

Imposter Syndrome: Fighting Through Self-Doubt

You might be aware of your impostor syndrome, but are you aware of the tools out there to help you fight against it? Ultimately, it comes down to your core beliefs, which are ingrained thoughts we have about ourselves as a result of different experiences that create our worldview. Essentially, your “core beliefs” completely change how you view and experience the world.

For example, someone who thinks the world is out to get them might experience even the slightest inconvenience as if they are being targeted. When you feel like the universe is working against you, it’s impossible to get into a mindset for success.

On the other hand, if you’re in a headspace that is ready to accept and overcome challenges, the world is really yours for the taking.

Try to assess your core beliefs by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What do I believe to be true about myself?
  • Do I rely on the approval of others for a sense of self-worth?
  • Am I worthy of love and acceptance as my authentic self?

Women in leadership roles have the power to change the workforce, and it all starts with a little mental exercise.

Registration is now open for the next 6-week Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Foundation program starting January 21, 2023. The program is based on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® work.

You will learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm, clarity, objectivity and creativity to handle life’s challenges more effectively.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.

Redworks Blog (all posts)

How Aligning Your Employees with Purpose Decreases Barriers to Engagement

In the same way that leaders benefit from becoming more in tune with their goals, employees are much more likely to engage more with their work if they feel a sense of purpose. One of the best ways to format your engagement strategy is by framing it to serve as a roadmap for your employees.

There are a few different ways you can instill a sense of purpose in the workplace, but nothing beats real feedback. Have your employees fill out surveys and invite them for one-on-one sit downs to discuss their goals, questions, and any potential concerns. 

This won’t just help your employees become more focused at work, but they’ll feel more seen and understood. When you make you team feel like they play an important role in your organization, you can expect engagement to increase almost instantly. 

Question for leaders

1.     Do you think your employees feel like they are in alignment with a sense of purpose at work? Why or why not?

Registration is now open for our next Great Engagement: Engage and Mobilize Employees Training Program, starting January 25, 2023.

For more information and to register:

Your organization may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the training cost through the Canada Job Grant program.